At the Housing for All consortium, we strive for decent and affordable housing for all, with a focus on professional and research activity. What is more, we want to encourage a systematic regulation of the housing market, introduction of participatory planning and new, inovative sustainable solutions for new construction projects. We shall achieve this by connecting different stakeholders and with broad publi support.
Project activities
- Preparing and implementing advocacy campaigns to improve housing policies in Slovenia with innovative, community oriented and sustainable solutions.
- Identifying, testing and transfering innovative, community-based and sustainable housing solutions.
- Conducting a communication campaign addressing housing issues and searching for good practices abroad.
- Preparing an effective consortium business model and implementing it.
- Five organizations are part of The Housing for All Consortium: Kulturno izobraževalno društvo PiNA (Project Leader), Zavod PIP – Mariborski pravni in informacijski center, IPoP – Inštitut za politikeprostora ISSP – Inštitut za študije stanovanj in prostora, and Avanta Largo – Inštitut za družbeno komuniciranje
Organisations – members of the Housing for all partnership consortium are: Kulturno izobraževalno društvo PiNA (leading organisation), Zavod PIP, IPop, ISŠP and Avanta Largo.
Project funded by
The project is funded by the Ministry of Public Administration of the Republic of Slovenia through the tender for the profesionalisation and development of NGOs 2019. The views and opinions expressed in text are those of the authors and do not reflect the official policy of the ministry.