About the project
Project duration: 2007-2021
Co-financing: Municipality of Maribor
The Active Youths of Maribor Program responds to the identified needs of youths by enabling them to strengthen their competences through different methods: receiving new knowledge, learning news skills that contribute to personal development , stimulating their creativity, implementing experience based learning, conducting various workshops etc. The program also includes more in-depth programs and activities that increase their chances of finding a job and provide them with relevant information. We provide access to knowledge and experience that enhances their competitive advantages in order to successfully enter the labor market and find employment (eg . Lawyer or Paralegal). The program is adjusted annually to respond to current topics at local, national and EU level. Furthermore, we also search for new methods for implementing the activities.
Program details
The program seeks new problem-solving approaches as we encourage a rich learning environment that is full of information and an atmosphere that fosters imagination, fun, risk and positive communication. To encourage participants to think, argue and form their own points of view, we have to present the contents in an interesting and participatory way. Moreover, it is also important to encourage participants to come up with new ideas / approaches /tools that will improve work, learning and education approaches.
The non-formal education provided in the program is complementary to the formal one, as it supplements formal education with content that is under-represented in formal education. The program thus contributes to the achievement of two major goals of the Local Youth Program. Overall, the purpose of the program is also to provide support and opportunities through which participants can obtain relevant information and knowledge, have access to advisory and professional assistance, develop their competencies and actively participate in the design, organization and implementation of the program and its evaluation. In this way, participants can greatly contribute to ensuring that the content of the program meets their needs.
At least 1000 participants are enrolled in our program annually.
The Lawyer in Practice is a program that has a special place at Zavod PIP and with young lawyers. In the 2019/2020 academic year the eighth generation of young lawyers is being trained in the program. It is an interdisciplinary program that increases the confidence of young lawyers when searching for a job because of the professional competences that were acquired through the program, furthermore, participants also gain a parctical familiarity with the legal profession. The participants gain experience through direct work with clients, for whom they perform various legal tasks. Law practitioner is one of the activities of the Active Maribor Youth Program, co-financed by the Municipality of Maribor.
By joining the program participants:
- Solve actual legal cases from everyday life.
- Experience, often for the first time, practical legal work with clients.
- They prepare various legal texts and documents.
- Learn about different law related professions (job shadowing).
- Receive selected legal content, that was not part of the University curiculum, from experienced lawyers.
- They experience talking in front of the camera, which is a novel experience that is not only related to good knowledge of the field presented, but also facing working under pressure.
The project brings:
- Raising self-confidence in finding a job due to acquired professional competences.
- Practical knowledge of various professions in the legal field.
- Gaining experience in direct work with clients.
- Practical experience in various legal jobs.
- Informal competences and training.
Moreover, the recommendations of all participants speak for themselves:
“What the faculty did not give me, the Lawyer in Practice programe did”
“The program in is practically a necessity for continuing your studies. Faculty theory combined with the lawyer practice at Zavod PIP is a winning combination. “

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