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The Regional NGO Hub for Podravje

About the project

Zavod PIP and our consortium partner CET platforma from Ptuj received funds in the amount of 407.824,18 € for the implementation of the Podravje Regional NGO Hub. The program is funded by the Ministry of Public Administration, from the NGO Fund.
The purpose of establishing the Regional NGO Hub in Podravje is to strengthen the capacity of non-governmental organizations (hereinafter: NGOs) in the fields of advocacy, organizational development and the provision of public services, ie. enhancing cross-sectoral cooperation, networking and partnerships for addressing societal challenges.

The program will continue and upgrade the services of the NGO supportive environment with the aim of long- term development and effective involvement of NGOs in the preparation and implementation of public policies.

Program goals

  1. Strengthening informational, organizational, professional and advocational capacities of NGOs.
  2. Contribute to the greater role of NGOs in preparing local / regional policies.
  3. Strengthen cross-sectoral integration and cooperation to address local needs (eg. in the fields of education, training, healthcare, employment, environmental protection, urban planning, social services, accessibility of cultural assets, etc.)

The following activities will be implemented in the 2019-2021 period:

Targeted information for NGOs – identifying opportunities to address local needs and implementing advocacy campaigns at local / regional level

  • Establishing a comprehensive system of uniform basic support for NGOs.
  • Providing NGOs with access to information
  • Conducting meetings and consultations with NGOs to identify local issues and potentials.

Implementing trainings (professional, advocacy, organizational) for NGOs in the region, with an emphasis on NGOs with potential, in order to meet selected local needs

  • Organizational and professional development of NGOs with potential.
  • Strengthening the skills of personnel at the Regional NGO hub
  • Implementing the Regional NGO hub’s activities.

Implementing an effective and successful advocacy process to achieve the necessary changes in local / regional policies in order to address community needs

  • Renovating and improving municipal open calls
  • School for mayors.
  • Preparing municipal ordinances.
  • Established the Commission for the Development of NGOs in the Municipality of Ptuj.
  • Preparing the Local program for culture for the Municipality of Maribor.
  • Involving NGOs in the preparation of the Regional Development Program.
  • Promoting and introducing participatory budgeting in the region
  • Preparing the Volunteering development strategy for the Municipality of Maribor.
  • Preparing Ptuj’s youth strategy.
  • Regular monitoring of local communities and responding to current issues.

Establishing effective and efficient partnerships with local, regional, national and EU institutions, the media, economic partners and other actors relevant to meeting identified local needs, especially in addressing the issue of a long-lived society.

  • Revitalization of spaces for community activation and revitalization of public sports areas. Strengthening cooperation with city districts, social services and youth centers – creating spaces and programs for young people.
  • Community-based management and revitalization of public spaces.
  • Implementing credit-evaluated extracurricular activities performed by NGOs.
  • “That good dinner” event.

New sustainable services for solving local needs, especially regarding solving the problem of the long-lived society will be identified and established.

  • Implementing an urban neighborhood residents activation program.
  • Accommodation support program for the homeless.
  • Therapeutic work to regulate relationships with loved ones.
  • Monitoring NGO plans for the development and implementation of new services.
  • Co-working spaces for NGOs and other interested parties in Ptuj.
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Financed by

The activities of the project are financed by the Ministry of Public administration through the tender for creating a supporting environment for NGOs 2019-2023, funded from the NGO fund. The views and opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not reflect the official policy of the ministry.

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