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Loud & Clear- New Democratic State of Youth – youth participation

What is "Loud & Clear"

»Loud & clear« is a campaign (with tools and materials) to increase young people’s participation in public affairs through the tool of municipal participatory budgeting. It is aimed at all those who work with young people in schools, youth organisations or NGOs. We have gathered international knowledge and experience from teachers, youth workers and youth workers who are also using more unconventional methods to motivate young people to participate. The »Loud & clear« campaign is part of the New Young Democrats programme.

Which problem are we solving? Young Europeans’ interest in taking an active part in political and social life is on the decline. The »Standard Eurobarometer 94« survey in Slovenia shows the lowest satisfaction among all EU countries with the functioning of democracy in their country, with 75% of respondents not satisfied with the state of democracy. The »Slovenian Youth 2018/2019« survey shows that in 2018 almost every second young person shows no interest in politics. Only 12% of young people aged between 15 and 29 participated in the participatory budget in Maribor. If young people are not active citizens, democracy is at risk. As participatory budgeting is an effective and simple democratic tool for solving social problems in the local environment, it is also an opportunity to deepen democratic values.

Why is the implementation of municipal participatory budgets an opportunity to mobilise young people? Because it offers young people the chance to make a difference in their local environment here and now, rather than in some indefinite distant future.

Through our activities, we address both youth educators and young people directly. We equip youth educators (teachers, youth workers) with educational tools and materials to engage and motivate young people to participate in municipal participatory budgets (drafting proposals and voting on proposals). We reach and motivate young people directly in their own environments.

The activities are carried out during the implementation of the participatory budgets in Maribor, around Maribor and in Agueda (Portugal). The activities in Portugal are implemented by our partner, the NGO Psientifica.

The »New Young Democrats« project and the »Loud & Clear« campaign were developed in two partner organisations, the PIP Institute from Maribor (Slovenia) and Psientífica – Associação para a promoção e desenvolvimento social from Águeda (Portugal), ensuring the transfer of good practices and experiences. We are convinced that participatory budgeting is one of the democratic tools of the future and that young people need to be taught how to use it as soon as possible.

Loud & Clear.

Daniela Costa, Psientífica

Borut Osonkar, Zavod PIP

Want to find out more or join us?

Contact us at or, we’ll be happy to hear from you.


The materials are intended for work with young people in schools, youth organisations and NGOs.

All materials are available free of charge. Use them!




Manual of youth participation


Simply because a handbook like this hasn’t been written yet and because we wish to encourage autonomous decision-making, living autonomy, delibaration and the ability and capability of self-determination as well as organization of the youth. We also wish to share information that will increase the knowledge about the operations of the society and the state. We believe that educated young people are more susceptible to cooperate in the current social happening and events. Knowledge and a good flow of information are both essential for an equal and informed cooperation.

Loud and Clear_Manual_0_Borut Osonkar_What is participatory budgeting

Loud and Clear_Manual_1_Andrej Kirbiš_Characteristics of youth participation

Loud and Clear_Manual_2_Daniela Costa_You can only fully participate in what you understand

Loud and Clear_Manual_3_Daniela Costa_Participatory budgeting – a good practice of promoting youth participation

Loud and Clear_Manual_4_Barbara Bedenik_Learning process – an opportunity for the social engagement of the youth – Slovenia

Loud and Clear_Manual_5_Ana Mendes_Leaning process – an opportunity for the social engagement of the youth – Portugal

Loud and Clear_Manual_6_Urška Breznik_Non-governmental organizations – opportunity for a social engagement of the youth

Loud and Clear_Manual_7_Tjaša Arko_Youth engagement and volunteer work

Loud and Clear_Manual_8_Ana Moutas_Strategies and methods for accessing and mobilizing young people to participate in decision making processes

Loud and Clear_Manual_9_Domen Savič_Access to the youth and issues with information tools

Loud and Clear_Manual_10_Domen Savič_The dangers and traps of the media and online information technologies

Loud and Clear_Manual_11_Staša Dabič Peric_Facilitated workshops – how to captivate and organize the youth

Loud and Clear_Manual_12_Borut Osonkar_Society and the State

Loud and Clear_Manual_13_Borut Osonkar_Conventional and unconventional political participation

2022_10_Final evaluation 

News & activities

Where and how we do it.

Aktivnosti projekta:

  • izvedba izobraževanj za izobraževalce mladih
  • izvedba izobraževalnih in motivacijskih dogodkov za mlade v njihovem lokalnem okolju
  • priprava javno dostopnih izobraževalnih materialov za izobraževalce
  • priprava javno dostopnih info/izobraževalnih materialov za mlade
  • izvedba informacijske kampanje (ciljna skupina mladi)
  • delovanje strokovnega odbora
  • izmenjava strokovnih izkušenj z mednarodnim partnerjem.

Vsi izdelki (izobraževalni dokumenti, analize, izročki, predstavitve, grafike, ipd.) bodo javno dostopni in uporabni za nepridobitne namene (v skladu z licenco Creative Commons).

Cilji projekta:

  • večja obveščenost in motivacija mladih za sodelovanje v družbenih participativnih procesih

  • večja udeležba mladih v participativnem proračunu in v procesih javnega soodločanja

  • senzibilizirani in izobraženi izobraževalci mladih, opremljeni z znanjem o procesih aktiviranja mladih

  • izdelani dokumenti za delo z mladimi na področju vključevanja mladih v družbene participativne procese

  • večja senzibilnost javnosti za participativne demokratične procese

  • vzpostavitev primera dobre prakse izobraževanja, motiviranja in vključevanja mladih v procese javnega soodločanja

Obdobje izvajanja: 
november 2021 – november 2022

Vrednost projekta: 
60.000 €

Evropska Skupnost, Generalni direktorat za izobraževanje, mladino, šport in kulturo pri Evropski komisiji

Vloga Zavoda PIP: 
Nosilec in prijavitelj projekta

Partner projekta: 
Psientifica Portugal Agueda


Financer programa

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