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We conducted a survey among young people (15-29 years old) with a simple question: ‘what is important to you’. 717 young people from secondary schools in Maribor and the surrounding area answered the question. Are we surprised by the results? Judge for yourself.

We will certainly use the answers from the questionnaire in our future work.

Short translation (from top to bottom):

  • drugo = other
  • ekologija = ecology
  • demokracija = democracy
  • moj izgled = my looks
  • gospodarstvo, ekonomija, podjetništvo = economy, business, entrepreneurship
  • uspeh v šoli = school performance
  • šport = sports
  • zabava = entertainment
  • spreminjanje sveta na bolje = making the world a better place
  • družbena pravičnost = social justice
  • dobiti dobro službo = get a good job
  • osebno zadovoljstvo, sreča = personal contentment, happiness

Zelo pomembno = very important; pomembno = important; manj pomembno = less important; nepomembno = unimportant.


More about the here.

The survey is part of the “Loud and Clear” project to motivate young people and youth trainers to participate and learn about participation. More here.



Co-funded by the European Community through the Erasmus+ programme.




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